We support the brave activists waking up the public to the climate emergency.

We raise funds for and make grants to the disruptive nonviolent climate movement.

Since 2019:

  • 137 organizations funded

  • Over 60,000 climate activists trained

  • Over 90,000 press hits generated

Protest movements are the fastest, most cost-effective way of creating transformative change.

Ozden (2022) The Stanford Social Innovation Review

In Protest Movements Could Be More Effective than the Best Charities (2022), James Ozden rigorously demonstrates the superior impact of funding disruptive protest in keeping carbon out of the atmosphere.

Your Donation is Safe, Legal, and Tax Deductible

Our robust legal team ensures all activities funded by Climate Emergency Fund are within 501c(3) requirements.

We rigorously vet applicants to ensure funds support high-impact projects and groups.

We provide a safe harbor for donors who want to fund disruptive activism. We accept anonymous donations.

The Climate Movement is Creating Policy Breakthroughs

We are out of time.

A short but powerful message from our Board member, Adam McKay.

Please direct media inquiries to press(at)cefund.org