Our Grantees are Fighting Fossil Fuels
Rising Tide Australia
Rising Tide Australia launched in November 2022. Within one year of launch, RT Australia executed the People’s Blockade, mobilizing 3,000 people for a water-based disruption to shut down the Newcastle Coal Port for 32 hours. The Newcastle Coal Port is the largest in the world, with its coal throughput responsible for 1% of global fossil fuel emissions. The group is demanding an end to new fossil fuel extraction, a 75% export tax on coal, and the closure of the Newcastle Coal Port by 2030. In November 2024, RT Australia executed an even larger blockade with over 7,000 participants. The group plans to use the blockade as a launching point for even larger scale civil resistance in 2025 and beyond.
Extinction Rebellion Netherlands
The Dutch chapter of the global Extinction Rebellion movement is building incredible momentum toward a zero carbon future. Their blockade of a private airports in 2023 led to a huge upswing in participation and turnout, and ultimately resulted in a ban on private jets at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. Making the most of that momentum, in September 2023, XRNL mobilized tens of thousands of people to blockade the major A12 highway for 27 straight days, leading to over 9,000 arrests. That pressure was enough to force the Dutch government to commit to ending subsidies for fossil fuels! XRNL has bold plans to keep building momentum throughout 2025.
New York Communities for Change
New York Communities for Change (NYCC) has built a multi-racial, cross-class base of activists pushing for climate justice in New York City. The group has achieved numerous concrete victories, including a statewide ban on gas in new construction. NYCC played a central role in the huge September 2023 March to End Fossil Fuels, as well as the wave of disruptive actions before and after the march. In 2024, the group mobilized thousands of people for its Summer of Heat on Wall Street, calling on Citi to halt all financing of fossil fuels. The group has plans for even bigger and bolder protests in 2025.
Geef Tegengas
Geef Tegengas, which translates to “Push Back Gas”, is organizing against continued expansion of LNG infrastructure in the Netherlands. In 2023, the Netherlands was the biggest European importer of US LNG, with almost 10% of Europe’s LNG imports flowing through the Port of Rotterdam alone. In August 2024, Geef Tegengas organized hundreds of people in nonoviolent protest against gas infrastructure in the Netherlands. The group plans to continue executing disruptive protests in 2025 to keep the spotlight on the significant environmental and societal harm generated by continued use of LNG.
Extinction Rebellion Boston
The Boston chapter of the global Extinction Rebellion movement has long been one of the strongest chapters within the United States. From their 2020 action hanging a banner over Boston’s iconic Citgo sign, to a hilarious action mooning the Massachusetts state legislature, to collaborating with Climate Defiance protesting Conoco Philips Board Member Jody Freeman (which eventually resulted in her resignation from Harvard), XR Boston has built a strong track record of successful organizing. In 2025, they are ramping up their No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure campaign, calling for the Governor of Massachusetts to all expansions of the fossil fuel economy, as well as cancel any existing projects.
Code Rouge/Rood
Code Rouge/Rood is a Belgian collective of climate organizers, bringing together many of Belgium’s leading climate protest groups. Code Rouge/Rood organizes large scale civil disobedience actions targeting Belgium’s worst polluters. In 2023, the group led a 700-person occupation of the construction site of a gas-fired power station, as well as a 1,500-person blockade of major Belgian airports to demand a reduction in aviation emissions. And in 2024, Code Rouge mobilized blockades of a port and refinery controlled by Engie. The group plans to build on this momentum with more mass actions in 2025 and beyond.
Charleston Climate Coalition
The Charleston Climate Coalition is organizing in South Carolina against a new large-scale gas plant being planned by Dominion Energy on the site of a decommissioned coal plant that sits on the Edisto River in Canadys, SC. The group has a long history of success using "insider" tactics, playing a key role in the passage of a local climate action plan and successfully stalling plans for the gas plant. In coming months, CCC aims to use disruptive protests to remove Dominion's social license and build public opposition to continued use of fossil fuels for energy.

Our Grantees are
Disrupting Normalcy
Extinction Rebellion New York City
Since its founding in 2018, the New York City chapter of the global Extinction Rebellion movement has been at the forefront of the fight for climate justice in the US. The Group has executed many highly impactful disruptive protests, including blockading Times Square with a bright green sailboat, disrupting distribution of the New York Times to demand better coverage of the climate crisis, and most recently interrupting the US Open for over an hour calling on President Biden to end fossil fuels. In 2025, XRNYC plans to build on this momentum, grow its base, and keep pushing the climate crisis to the top of the political conversation.
Planet Over Profit
Planet over Profit is a youth-led climate justice movement demanding an end to fossil fuels, as well as redistributive economic policies to reduce wealth inequality and fund a just transition off of fossil fuels. Their protests aim to draw attention to the connections between wealth inequality and climate breakdown, highlighting the wealthy and their financiers as major drivers of carbon emissions. In 2024, Planet over Profit played a key role anchoring the Summer of Heat on Wall Street campaign, the largest US-based climate protest of the year. The group plans to continue building its base of climate-conscious young people taking direct action for a livable future.
Collectif Antigone
Collectif Antigone is a group of highly experienced climate organizers based in Montreal, at the forefront of the Canadian climate movement for over a decade. The group is organizing against the decaying and highly dangerous Enbridge Line 9b pipeline, which is at high risk of a catastrophic rupture that would affect the water supply for millions of Canadians. In November 2024, activists with Collectif Antigone scaled the Jacques-Cartier Bridge in Montreal, halting rush-hour traffic for over 6 hours and pushing the controversial Line 9b pipeline into the political spotlight. The group plans to scale up its protests in 2025, as well as provide high-level training for allied climate movements.
Assemble UK
Assemble UK is a new project, closely allied with Just Stop Oil UK, attempting to move beyond disruptive protests that simply say “no” to fossil fuels into a project that can say “yes” to positive demands and begin moving toward truly systemic political change. Assemble UK organizes citizens’ assemblies across the UK to formulate popular and progressive climate demands, then backs up those demands with nonviolent protests if governments fail to respond. By combining popular demands generated democratically with direct action, Assemble UK hopes to build unprecedented power for the movement and win transformational victories.
Climate Defiance
Climate Defiance is a DC-based collective of climate activists advocating for an end to fossil fuel leasing, exploration, and extraction on federal lands. The group has launched a campaign of disruptive action to raise pressure around its demand and force the Biden Administration to take critical steps to start winding down fossil fuel extraction. Many of its actions directly confronting fossil fuel enabling elites have gone viral, and their protests have led to several high-level resignations. The group also played a key role in Biden's January 2024 decision to halt approvals for new LNG export facilities on the Gulf Coast. By working to make support for fossil fuels socially and politically unacceptable, the group is building critical support for a holistic government phase out of fossil fuel development.
Climate Families NYC
Climate Families NYC organizes parents with young children to take action on the climate crisis. The group believes that babies, children, and their caregivers have a special role to play in the climate movement. By bringing the youngest victims of the climate crisis into the halls of power, the group throws the moral stakes of the crisis into stark relief and they pierce through the noise to build narrative power. The group is currently focused on winning progressive climate policy at the New York State Assembly. Climate Families NYC will continue to escalate with powerful, kid-friendly protests through the 2025 legislative session.
Scientist Rebellion
Scientist Rebellion is an international network of scientists who have concluded that disruptive civil resistance is the only way to force elected leaders to take action at the scale and speed demanded by the climate science. They achieved breakthrough success in Spring 2022, generating hundreds of news articles and tens of millions of views on social media. In the Fall of 2022, they generated international headlines with their protests at COP27 in Egypt and their blockades of private jets at airports across the globe. Scientist Rebellion plays a critical role within the global climate movement by normalizing and legitimizing disruptive protest as the most rational response to climate breakdown and government inaction.
Our Grantees are Demanding Climate Justice

Students Against EACOP Uganda
Students Against EACOP Uganda has spent more than a year organizing against the massive East African Crude Oil Pipeline, which would release hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and displace 100,000 people along the construction route. The group has faced major repression throughout its campaign, with many members beaten by police and sentenced to egregious jail sentences. But their organizing efforts have already paid off - dozens of major insurers and financiers have ended their involvement with the project. With CEF support, Students Against EACOP plans to continue its protest efforts through 2025.
Axe Drax
Axe Drax is organizing against the Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, a large-scale biomass power plant that is the largest single source of carbon emissions in the UK. The power station depends on fuel generated by cutting down millions of trees each year, primarily in the US Southeast. The power station is only economically viable because it receives hundreds of millions of pounds in subsidies from the UK government each year. Axe Drax is demanding an end to subsidies for the Drax Power Station and a just transition for workers at the power station after its closure. The group plans to use disruptive protests to keep building public opposition to the station's continued operation.
Debt for Climate
Debt for Climate is an international collective of climate activists demanding that Global North countries cancel debt for countries in the Global South, allowing those countries to devote more resources toward climate crisis mitigation and adaptation. The group’s powerful, internationally coordinated protests have fundamentally changed the narrative around debt cancellation, playing a role in the creation of the Loss and Damage Fund at COP28. In 2025, Debt for Climate will continue to build momentum for debt cancellation by scaling up its protests against international financial institutions.
Rich City Rays
Rich City Rays is a grassroots partnership of community groups in Richmond, California and climate justice activists who are using kayaktivism as a force for addressing the climate crisis and environmental injustice through community-led non-violent direct action on the water. They work to empower the communities most harmed by fossil fuel operations in the Bay Area to stand up to corporate polluters. In May 2024, the group executed a major water-based blockade of Chevron's oil refining infrastructure in Richmond, delaying oil tankers from entering and exiting the refineries. The group is aiming to keep scaling up its resistance in 2024 and beyond.
Utah Youth Environmental Solutions
Utah Youth Environmental Solutions (UYES) is a primarily youth-of-color-led organization that empowers young people in Utah to mobilize around climate and environmental issues through education and direct action. The group has already successfully pushed several school districts in and around Salt Lake City to fully transition to renewable energy by 2030. With CEF support, UYES is expanding its training programs for youth climate organizers, bolstering its campaign to reverse the decline of the Great Salt Lake.
Defend the Atlanta Forest
After the Atlanta city council’s 2021 approval of a plan to bulldoze 300+ acres of urban forest in Atlanta to build a $90 million police training facility, a fierce resistance movement quickly emerged to oppose the project. Dubbed “Stop Cop City'', this movement has been using direct action in an attempt to stop the destruction of the forest, citing concerns about environmental justice as well as overpolicing and racial injustice. Despite intense police repression, including the killing a nonviolent protester and community organizer within the forest, the community continues to fight back, and national support for the movement continues to grow.

Our Grantees Provide Critical Support for the Global Climate Movement
Oil and Gas Action Network
The Oil and Gas Action Network (OGAN) is a collective of California-based organizers with an extensive track record organizing against fossil fuel infrastructure. In 2023, the group launched an an advanced, nation-wide direct action training program, aiming to turn experienced organizers into experts. Once trained, OGAN will organize a network of “rapid responders” who can be deployed to hotspots of resistance to quickly scale up the movement’s capacity. OGAN also plays a critical role bringing the climate movement together for large-scale disruptive actions.
Stay Grounded
Stay Grounded organizes a global network of over 220 groups campaigning for reduced emissions from planes and private jets. Aviation emissions are a major driver of the climate crisis, and they also epitomize the injustice of climate breakdown: 80% of the world's population will never set foot on an airplane, and the wealthiest 1% of the global population is responsible for around 50% of aviation emissions. Stay Grounded provides crucial infrastructure and support for protest campaigns, and they have played a key role in many of the major disruptive protests at airports over the last few years.
Fossil Free Media
Fossil Free Media is a nonprofit media lab dedicated to supporting the movement to end fossil fuels and address the climate emergency. Fossil Free Media provides strategic communications support for grassroots groups and national coalitions. By helping create savvy media and messaging strategies that significantly boost the effectiveness of climate protests, Fossil Free Media plays a major role behind the scenes of the climate movement. They are also a key group in the Make Polluters Pay campaign, demanding that fossil fuel companies pay for climate damages, which recently won its demand for a climate superfund in New York State.
Social Change Lab
The Social Change Lab is a leader in rigorous research on the mechanics and impact of protest movements, especially climate movements. They published cutting edge analyses of the outcomes of many of the most prominent protests in 2022, such as their analysis of the Radical Flank Effect with respect to Just Stop Oil UK. With CEF support, Social Change Lab is currently working on a quantitative study of the impacts of various protest tactics.
All for Climate
All for Climate is a non-profit association based in Belgium that provides critical financial infrastructure services to climate protesters in Europe and beyond. They operate a transparent and distributed financial infrastructure system that allows them to charge very low fees for their services. All for Climate currently provides fiscal sponsorship services to more than 200 climate protest campaigns.
Beautiful Trouble
Beautiful Trouble is a US-based collective of direct action trainers, containing some of the most experienced direct action practitioners in the United States. The group makes micro-grants to disruptive campaigns in the Global South that organize to protect their communities from economic and ecological harm. Beautiful Trouble also provides training and other forms of support for these campaigns to help them maximize their chances of success.
Catalyst CRM
Catalyst is a constituent relations management software aiming to streamline the recruitment and onboarding process for social movements. It was developed by leaders from the A22 Network as the "tool they wish they had had when they launched". By moving off of chaotic spreadsheets and into a secure and user-friendly platform, Catalyst aims to significantly increase the efficiency of converting new signups to active members.
We Support The A22 Network, an International Network of Disruptive Activists

The A22 Network comprises 10 projects in Western Democracies using disruptive action to build support for climate policies.
Brand new in 2022, most of these groups are now the most well known climate groups in their countries. So far, members of the A22 network have generated more than 300,000 press hits!