Apply for a Grant
Please review the information below in depth before applying.
Climate Emergency Fund only awards grants to very specific, disruptive projects. Make sure your project is eligible by reviewing our criteria below.
Contact grants@cefund.org for assistance with the web portal and your online application.
We are committed to funding disruptive protest.
We believe in people power.
We believe that direct action that disrupts business-as-usual is the most effective way for the climate movement to exert people power.
Yet organizations that use these tactics are critically underfunded. Climate Emergency Fund exists to help fill that gap.
Climate Emergency Fund Grantees:
Tell the truth about the climate emergency and call for systemic change in response.
Gradualism can’t protect us, only emergency-speed mobilization can. Our grantees are building narrative power and changing the political landscape.
Harness people power through recruitment, engagement, and training of volunteer activists
Our grantees depend primarily on volunteers rather than staff to move work forward. We prioritize groups that utilize inclusive, multiracial, cross-class organizing and activism.
Are pioneering innovative new climate organizing strategies with explosive growth potential.
We want to help organizations scale-up and reach mass participation, bringing the climate movement into the mainstream.
Take part in activities that are 501c(3) eligible.
Grants from Climate Emergency Fund can only be allocated toward legal, nonviolent activities, such as recruitment, training, and political education. We fund in the US and globally.
We only fund groups that use disruption in their strategy and tactics.
Sometimes, we fund groups that provide direct support for groups and movements that utilize disruption:
Press support
Training that supports a specific disruptive campaign
Movement networking/coordination
Digital infrastructure
Skilled consulting (videography, internal organizing, etc.)
We do NOT fund:
Organizations that do not utilize disruptive protest.
Conservation projects.
Art installations or song development.
Theater or film projects.
App development projects.
Bail funds.
Political campaigns or other non-501c(3) eligible work.
Illegal activities.

Information for Applicants
Grant Size and Timing
Our grants typically range from $25,000-$85,000.
We strongly recommend applying for less than $100,000
Applicants will be notified of their proposal’s status 2-6 weeks after submitting.
Tax and Documentation
Climate Emergency Fund requires documentation that demonstrates legal nonprofit status for the organization receiving the funds, as well as a bank account to receive funds. Grantees may receive funds directly or use a fiscal sponsor.
For US-based organizations, we require an IRS designation letter for the grantee or its fiscal sponsor.
For international organizations, we require the relevant nonprofit certification documents for the grantee or its fiscal sponsor.
Any grantee using a fiscal sponsor will also need to upload a fiscal sponsor agreement or memorandum of understanding.