Swedish Government Makes Wetlands Restoration a Top Priority, Meeting the Demand of Återställ Våtmarker

Återställ Våtmarker (Restore Wetlands), a member of the international A22 Network, began campaigning in Spring 2022. Their core demand was for the Swedish government to undertake a holistic restoration project for Sweden’s vast wetlands. Due to peat mining and excavation, the disturbed wetlands currently emit more carbon dioxide per year than all of Sweden’s automobiles combined. Through repeated roadblocks and bold cultural disruptions, Restore Wetlands quickly pushed the issue of wetland restoration to the top of the political agenda in Sweden. Over 4,500 news articles were written about their activities, demonstrating an incredible buildup of narrative power.

In April 2024, Restore Wetlands declared that it had achieved victory: 75% of the Swedish public now supports restoration of wetlands, which was a niche issue before the campaign launched. In addition, all major Swedish political parties have declared support for wetlands restoration, and the Swedish government has made wetlands restoration one of its top 3 climate priorities. This is a resounding victory for the Swedish campaign, for the broader A22 Network, and for the climate movement as a whole, a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of sustained and disruptive climate protest.

Check out this video for more information about the campaign and its recent victory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ExaYjtFx7Y


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