In 2021, CEF made over $1.5 million dollars in grants to 35 groups.

Building Pressure on Policymakers

Confronting Deadly Climate Silence on TV News

Building Movement Infrastructure

Strategic Action at COP 26

Climate Emergency Campaigning

Bringing the Movement Back to the Streets

Other grantees include:

Mothers Out Front

Pressure from Mothers in Colorado resulted in preliminary approval from The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to increase the setback requirement for oil and gas drilling from 500 to 2,000 feet, increasing health and safety protections for nearby homes and schools. California’s Mothers Our Front team recently held their first statewide digital convening of climate leadership. Speakers included Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez and U.S. Representative Nanette Barragán.


School Strike!

The biggest global climate strike in history, led by youth – CEF was a catalytic funder of the youth activists that organized US participation in the September 2019 strike.

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Fire Drill Fridays

“Now forced to a largely digital format in light of the coronavirus pandemic, Fire Drill Fridays has kept up the momentum,” —Ecowatch, 10/23/2020. CEF supported a strategic pivot to digital organizing earlier this year and Greenpeace has continued to mobilize at record pace. Most recent fireside Fire Drill guests included Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

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Divest Ed

As leaders in the fossil fuel divestment movement, the university students of Divest Ed held more than 50 coordinated in-person actions on university campuses across the country solidifying the base of support for campus divestment nationwide. In response to two large scale actions, Fossil Fuel Divestment Day and Earth Day Live, 11 universities divested from the fossil fuel industry: Univ of Michigan, Creighton Univ, Wesleyan Univ, Brown Univ, Antioch Univ, American Univ, Cornell Univ, George Washington Univ, Univ of Vermont, Georgetown Univ, and Univ of Illinois.


Stop the Money Pipeline

Stop the Money Pipeline’s campaign targeting Chase, BlackRock, and Liberty Mutual forced these top climate offenders to adjust their climate change policies. Five of the six leading banks announced that they will not fund arctic oil and gas projects and BlackRock agreed to publicly track their engagement with UN Sustainability Goals.